Azobe & Ekki Wood
Azobe or ekki (Lophira alata) is found in West Africa and extends into the Congo basin. The heartwood is dark red, chocolate-brown, or purplebrown with conspicuous white deposits in the pores (vessels). The texture is coarse, and the grain is usually interlocked. The wood is strong, and its density averages about 1,120 kg/m 3 (70 lb/ft 3) at 12% moisture content. It is very difficult to work with hand and machine tools, and tools are severely blunted if the wood is machined when dry. Azobe can be dressed to a smooth finish, and gluing properties are usually good. Drying is very difficult without excessive degrade. The heartwood is rated as very durable against decay but only moderately resistant to termite attack. Azobe is very resistant to acid and has good weathering properties. It is also resistant to teredo attack. The heartwood is extremely resistant to preservative treatment. Azobe is excellent for heavy construction work, harbor construction, heavy-duty flooring, and railroad crossties.