Species of Wood: Sycamore, American
American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) is known as sycamore and sometimes as buttonwood, buttonball-tree, and in the United Kingdom, planetree. Sycamore grows from Maine to Nebraska, southward to Texas, and eastward to Florida. The heartwood of sycamore is reddish brown; the sapwood is lighter in color and from 4 to 8 cm (1-1/2 to 3 in.) wide. The wood has a fine texture and interlocked grain. It has high shrinkage in drying; is moderately heavy, moderately hard, moderately stiff, and moderately strong; and has good resistance to shock. Sycamore is used principally for lumber, veneer, railroad crossties, slack cooperage, fence posts, and fuel. The lumber is used for furniture, boxes (particularly small food containers), pallets, flooring, handles, and butcher blocks. Veneer is used for fruit and vegetable baskets and some decorative panels and door skins.